
We make boxes in two basic construction types. One is a panelled box, which is appropriate for larger cists, such as blanket boxes. This style works well as wedding or christening gifts. As usual, most of these boxes are made of oak such as the one for Hugo.
The name was carved into the oak, then filled with dark wax to make it stand out. The fishes box, on the other hand, was made of alder. It sits in a small bathroom that gets very steamy, so the client wanted a wood that would not warp. We can make smaller boxes that are ideal as presents for the woman in your life. I hesitate to say jewellery boxes, since they tend to be very small and we specialise in bigger pieces. Digby Morrow (Mannerston Boxes) in the SFMA makes some gorgeous little boxes and I highly recommend him if you wish to commission a small, beautiful box.
If you are looking for ideas for presents, we have made gift boxes - literally boxes for the storage of presents. That is what the box below with the carved strap hinges is used for. And below that is the ultimate present: an advent gift box. It contained a gift for each day of advent, the last one containing an engagement ring. Aahhw . . . .