Samson's Joinery we design in an Art Nouveau, Edwardian, American mission or Glasgow style. We construct all manner of furniture and architectural joinery, from front doors (when we trade under the name "Scottish Doors") to picture frames, bookcases to fitted kitchens, fire surrounds to radiator covers. We also make stained glass windows, we even build conservatories. And, as if that were not enough, we also dabble in graphic arts as type-setters (which is handy as we can engrave things most beautiful) and designers of beaten copper or pewter panels. How we got to be so talented is a fascinating story that you may, however, want to miss!

If you have too much time on your hands, there are links to tell you more about us and our more unusual work and

our cabinet makers, what the papers say about our work, and even some wierd and wonderful things, like the
gibbet made for Gaelic television on which James Stewart was hanged for the murder of the "Red Fox" in 1752. Return visitors might wish to check on
what's new to see some of the pieces we are working on at the moment. "What's new" is something of a misnomer, for the page is rarely changed in under a year.
We specialise in the styles of around the year 1900, especially Arts and Crafts and Art Nouveau, be that in our stained glass work, cabinet making, antiques or decoration. For that reason we especially like to use native oak. And, true to the Arts and Crafts ethos, we will make almost anything ourselves, and make it by hand. That may well include the hardware for our furniture in the near future.

If you are interested in commissioning a piece of furniture, you might wish to check our
page on commissioning. Left is an example of a drawing we produce for clients. If you do wish to commission work from us, you must bear this in mind. We do not give you the hard sell. Quite the opposite. If you want us to make something for you, you may have to chivvy us along. Click on our
works timetable page if you wish to see what we are making at the moment and how long you might have to wait for your dream piece. Although, again, I should warn you that the timetable could easily be a year or more out of date.
As founder of the
Scottish Furniture Makers Association, I can highly recommend that you visit their website. Most of the sixty odd (and I use the word odd advisedly) cabinet makers making up the membership are enthusiasts of the contemporary, so they aren't really competitors. Visiting the website will also demonstrate how foolishly inexpensive our furniture is! The SFMA also holds exhibitions and shows that are well worth the visit. Once a year we hold our annual show (in 2012 it will be in Glasgow at the Lighthouse in October). The show has its own
dedicated website if you want to find out more. The SFMA website also has a "salesroom", which contains finished pieces of furniture ready for immediate sale. That includes pieces by Samsons Joinery.
1900 S
ECORATION so excites us, we go to great lengths to find other craftspeople to help us with specialist work (such as beaten copper panels or hand-made tiles). We can even help you to find lincrusta for your walls

(it is like Anaglypta, but made from a linseed plaster/putty material) in authentic Art Nouveau and other late Victorian patterns. We also sell some
Arts & Crafts furniture fittings (drawer pulls and hinges).
If you too are beguiled by the period, whether as a collector, period home owner, or just plain enthusiast, you may be interested in some of the web links we have posted. Finally, our contact details are below (way below).
Here are some of the greats who inspire us: