
A decade ago, although I can scarcely believe it now, we made narrow pine bookcases for £200 to £250! Not any more.

Despite making so many bookcases, it has taken a long time for me to hit upon a style that I wish to continue building. This one to the right has little square ebony pegs and a few 1900 curves that are very satisfying. And I have made a number of drawings of bookcases that are of similar size and shape (see down below at the very bottom).

When the client can be convinced, the bookcase may even carry a motto. On this example to the left, a motto often used on Liberty's bookcases, "Judge not a book by its cover", is suitably Shakespearean, for the bookcase was to hold the complete works of the bard in miniature. Original Arts and Crafts mottos were commonly applied, the letters stained or painted a dark colour. We tend to engrave the lettering and then fill it with a wood paste, which is either coloured from the natural wood (mahogany, for instance) or the colour added is a natural pigment (iron oxide for red, ochre for yellow, etc.). Or the lettering is simply done in India ink.
Nothing quite sets off a bookcase like leaded glass in the cupboard doors. On our home page is our "Four Seasons" bookcase. In this bookcase, made for a famous Scottish playwright, we have simply used an artistic opaque glass. It has the advantage of saving you a bit of cash, and some makes of glass are almost abstract art on their own.

At the very bottom are a number of drawings manipulated with Photoshop. I'm quite chuffed with myself at having mastered the computer program (but secretly disappointed in myself for not being able to manage CAD programmes and thus cannot create 3D drawings). Increasingly, I use Photoshop to airbrush out my customers' frivolous knick-nacks that they insist on putting ontop of my beautiful furniture. What are they thinking of?